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lesson 3







                1. John 19 and 20- The crucifixion, burial. and resurrection of Jesus opened the

             way for the beginning of the church.

                2. Luke 24:46-49- Jesus commanded the apostles to wait at Jerusalem.

                3. Acts 2:2-18- The Holy Spirit came as promised.

                4. Acts 2:16-36- The gospel was preached as promised.

                5. Acts 2:41-47- The church began as promised.



II. MAIN THEME- Jesus promised that His being lifted up would cause all people to be drawn to Him.  The birth of the church came after Jesus finished His work on earth and returned to heaven where He began His reign over the kingdom of God.  Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to guide the preaching of the gospel and to bring about the birth of the church.

                1. Jesus finished His work on earth.

                                a. According to His promise, John 3:14-16, 12:32, 17:1-5, 19:30.

                                b. He promised power to the apostles, Acts 1:8.

                                c. He ascended into heaven, Acts 1:9-11.

                2. The apostles waited at Jerusalem.

                                a. As Jesus had commanded, Luke24:46-49, Acts 1:4.

                                b. They prayed in the upper room, Acts1:13-14.

                3. The Holy Spirit came as promised.

                                a. They were baptized with the Spirit, Acts 1:5-8, 2:1-4.

                                b. The power of the Spirit was demonstrated, Acts 2:2-6.

                4. The gospel was preached, Acts 2:14-36.

                                a. Some people believed the message, Acts 2:37.

                                b. Peter told them what to do, Acts 2:38.

                5. People were added to the church by God, Acts 2:41-47.

                                a. They were devoted to the apostles teaching, Acts 2:42, Jeremiah 31:33- 34.

                                b. They were devoted to each other, Acts 2:42-45, 4:32-35.




                1. The church today results from the same teaching as Peter gave, Romans 1:16,

                    1 Corinthians 1:21, 15:1-4, 1 Peter 1:18-23.

                2. Christians today should have the same motivation as the first Christians,

                    Colossians 1:9-18.

                3. The purpose of the church is to know God and to make Him known to the

                    world, Ephesians 1:17, 3:10, 1 Peter 2:9-10.

                4. The church is to support the gospel, I Tim 3:15.




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