Lesson The
Miracles of Jesus I. What is a miracle? A. Something that occurs that is contrary to what happens in
nature (naturally) and that Christians usually attribute to
the power of God. B. In the N.T. a miracle is also known as a "sign", "wonder",
or "power". II. The purpose of Christ's miracles A. Principally the miracles of Jesus were a response of compassion
upon encountering human need. They show His person,
character, and His divine love. B. At the same time it is evident that such miracles authenticated
Jesus' mission as the Messiah (the Christ). See John 20:30-31 III. The miracles of Jesus manifested His power
in four (4) areas A. Over sickness and disease – There are 17 physical healings
mentioned in the 4 gospels; for example: the lame, the
paralytic, the blend, the deaf, etc. B. Over the forces of nature- there are 9 cases listed in the
table that follows. Even in these
cases the miracles focused upon
relieving human necessity rather than any attempt to exalt himself. Not Matthew 4:1-11 where Jesus refused to perform such miracles that might exalt himself. C. Over Satan and Demons – Jesus showed his power over evil and demonic forces that that had possession of human beings. In the table there are 6 case listed. D. Over death – The three case are: 1. Matthew 9:18-26 – the daughter of Jairus 2. Luke 7:11-15 – the son of a widow 3. John 11:1-14 – the raising of Lazarus E. The following are suggestions for determining if a "miracle" as seen or claimed today from God. It must be remembered that at times those serving powers other than God can perform miracles. See Deuteronomy 13:1-3; 2 Thess. 2:9. 1. A miracle should be in accordance with God's character as revealed in the Bible. 2. A miracle should be in agreement with the spiritual truths established in the Bible. 3. A miracle should have been witnessed by reliable people; witnesses of good character and reputation. The Miracles of Jesus
The Miracles of Jesus
The Miracles of Jesus
Lesson 3 Questions The Miracles of Jesus 1. What is a miracle? 2. What are some other words used in the Bible that mean "miracle"? 3. There are at least 2 reasons why Jesus did miracles. What are they? 4. Jesus showed his power (authority) in four different areas by performing miracles. Write what these areas are and a passage from the Bible that shows his power in each area. 5. True or False a.______All the things that are called "miracles" today are from God. b.______Jesus performed many miracles only as a show; just to attract attention. c.______Jesus raised many people from the dead. d.______A miracle from God is very common today. e.______One reason that Jesus performed miracles was because of his compassion. 6. What are some ways of judging if a "miracle" is from God? Application 1. How can we show the same kind compassion in today's world that Jesus showed? |