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lesson 3


Put The Word Into Practice

James 1:19-27


I.         A mistaken mindset - hearing the word is sufficient (James 1:19)


A.      Like a man that looks at his face in a mirror, goes away and immediately forgets what he look like - James 1:23-24


B.       He speaks without thinking and gets angry quickly - James 1:19-20


C.       As a result he doesn’t do what pleases God - James 1:20


D.      His mindset results in self-deception - James 1:22


II.       A correct mindset - one must hear the word and put it into practice (James 1:21, 27)


A.      A man changes his life in order to avoid doing evil - James 1:21, 27


B.       He fixes his thoughts on the perfect law that brings freedom - James 1:25; 2:8-12


C.       He puts into practice the perfect law: showing love to all - James 1:25


D.      He controls his tongue - James 1:26


E.       He helps the widows and orphans - James 1:27


III.     Conclusion - put into practice the word of God rather than merely hearing it and speaking about it! - I Peter 1:22-23



IV.     Memory Verse - James 1:22



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