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Lesson 22






        1. Author - John, the son of Zebedee, the apostle who Christ loved in a special way:  John 19:26-27;  see also 2John 1; 

            3 John 1.

        2. Date - about A.D. 90-95, before the persecution of Domition, the Roman Emperor

        3. Setting - Written to beloved brethren whom John knew personally; and probably from Ephesus where John had worked

            after leaving Jerusalem.  (Exact audience - not known)




        1. I JOHN

                1) Key verses:  1:3-4;  5:11-13;  (also see John 15)

                2) Theme:  Fellowship with God through Jesus Christ:  1:3

                3) Abiding in Fellowship:  1:1-2:27

                        a. Walking in the light produces continual cleansing byHis blood:  1:7

                        b. We must confess our sins:  1:9

                        c. We must keep His commandments:  2:3-6

                        d. We must love one another:  2:10

                        e. We must practice righteousness:  2:29

                4) Hindrance to Fellowship:

                        a. Love of the world:  2:15-17

                        b. Denial of the deity of Jesus:  2:22;  4:3

                        c. Practice of sin:  3:4-12

                5) Behavior of Fellowship:

                        a. Loves in deed and truth:  3:13-18

                        b. Has assurance of salvation:  3:18-23

                        c. Has confidence:  3:21-24

                        d. Loves as God loves us:  4:7-17

                        e. Has no fear:  4:18

                6) Fellowship Produces Victory:  5:1-21

                        a. Through faith in Jesus as the Son of God:  5:4-5

                        b. Three witnesses to victory:  5:6-8;  John 19:34

                        c. Life is in the Son:  5:18-20;  John 3:3-8


        2. II JOHN

                1) Key Verses:  9-10

                2) Theme - Avoid Fellowship With False Teachers

                3) Abide in God's commandments.

                        a. Walk in truth:  verse 4

                        b. Love one another:  verse 5

                        c. Abide in the teaching of Christ:  verse 9

                4) Avoid False Teacher

                        a. Those who deny the deity of Jesus:  verse 7

                        b. Those who do not teach Christ:  verse 9

                        c. Have no participation in their deeds:  verse 10


        3. III JOHN

                1) Key verse:  verse 8

                2) Theme:  Enjoy Fellowhip With the Brethren

                3) Rejoice in existing in the truth.

                        a. Hospitality:  verses 5-8

                        b. Fellow workers for the truth:  verse 8

                4) Reject pride and self-exaltation:  verses 9-11



        1. Assurance of Salvation:  1 John 5:13

                1) Because of the Holy Spirit in us:  1 John 4:13

                2) Because of our confession of the Christ:  1 John 4:14-16

                3) Because of the love of the brethren:  1 John 4:16-21

                4) Because of obedience to the will of God:  1 John 5:1-5

        2. SIN:  1 John

                1) Areas where we are tempted to sin:  2:15-17

                2) Definition of sin:  3:4

                3) Sin unto death:  5:16-18;  3:8-10

                4) Confession of sin:  1:8-2:2

        3. The Antichrist

                1) His nature:  1 John 2:18-23;  2 John 7-9

                2) His coming (already present in the 1st Century A.D.):  1 John 2:18;  4:1-3



                I,  II,  III JOHN  QUESTIONS


1. What is the main theme of 1 John?  Why is it important?


2. John wrote these letters to people that he _______________ and knew personally.


3. List three (3) hindrances to good fellowship with Christ: 








4. "This is the _______________ that has overcome the world, even our faith."


5. Match the scripture with the topic it teaches:


    ____ 1)   Confessing our sins            a.   1 John 1:9

    ____ 2)   Perfect love casts out fear     b.   1 John 2:3

    ____ 3)   Obeying His commandments        c.   2 John 9

    ____ 4)   Abide in the teaching of Christ     d.   3 John 8

    ____ 5)   Showing hospitality            e.   1 John 4:18



6. To what extent should we love our brethren in Christ?


7. Name several reasons why we can know we are saved:



8. Why should we avoid fellowship with false teachers?


9. What do you enjoy most about your fellowship with Christians?


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