lesson 23 LAMENTATIONS I. BACKGROUND 1. Author - Not specifically stated within the book but probably Jeremiah the prophet, the author of Jeremiah 2. Date - After the fall of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple by Babylon in 586 B.C. 3. Setting - Judah had continued in sin and brought God's judgment upon herself. Babylon had invaded Jerusalem, destroyed the Temple, caused great grief and destruction and carried away captives. Jeremiah was left behind and laments the damage, the cause and the outcome while he looks to the hope of Israel in her God. II. PURPOSE OF THE BOOK 1. Key Verses: 1:1-5; 3:21-24; 3:25; 3:26; 3:33; 3:40-41; 3:64 2. Theme: Setting in the memory of the Jews the judgment of God for their sin while expressing hope that the people will profit from the experience, repent, and return to God. 3. Outlines: 1) The destruction and desolation of Jerusalem - ch.1 2) The anger of God - ch. 2 3) The grief of Jerusalem and hope of Jerusalem -ch. 3 4) The pain and suffering from the fall of Jerusalem - ch. 4 5) The appeal for mercy - ch. 5 III. ABOUT THE MESSIAH IV. APPLICATIONS - LESSONS 1.The consequences of sin are devastating - ch. 1 - 5 2. False teachers are a curse to the people of God - 2:14 3. In the midst of tragedy and ruin, we can hope in the love and mercy of the Lord. 3:21ff LAMENTATIONS QUESTIONS 1. What caused the fall of Jerusalem? 1:5 2. To whom is God good? 3:35 3. In the midst of sorrow, what can keep our hope alive? 3:21-22 4. It is good for man to do what two things about salvation? 3:26 5. How does God repay us? 3:64 |