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lesson 4





        1. Author - Mosses, 1:1

        2. Date - the events took place from 1444-1405 B.C.

        3. Setting - Israel's movement from the last twenty days at Mount Sinai  (1:1;  10:11),

            the wandering around Kadesh Barnea, and finally the arrival in the plains of Moab

           in the fortieth years after leaving Egypt (22:1;  26:3;  33:50)




        1. Key Verses:  14:19-24; 20:8-12

        2. Theme:  Israel prepared for the journey to Canaan by sanctification and observing the Passover.  Constantly complaining,

           Israel came into the south of Canaan and sent twelve spies into the land.  Ten spies gave a tearful report and the people

           listened to them, refusing to put their faith in God.  Because of their unbelief, all the men of Israel 20 years old and older

           died during forty years of wandering in the wilderness, and a new generation who believed God entered into Canaan with

           the two faithful men, Joshua and Caleb.

                1) Preparation for the journey to Canaan

                        a. Numbering Israel - 1:1-46

                        b. Setting the order - 1:47-2:34

                        c. Appointment of Levites to service - 3:1-4:49

                        d. Sanctification of Israel - 5:1-10:10

                2) Journey to Canaan

                        a. Order of march - 10:11-28

                        b. Israel complains - 11:1-6

                        c. Moses complains - 11:10-15

                        d. God provides food and leadership - 11:16-32

                        e. God punishes the rebellious - 11:1;  33-34;  12:1-10

                3) Israel's rebellion

                        a. Spies sent into Canaan - ch. 13

                        b. Attempted stoning of the faithful - 14:1-10

                        c. God's judgment upon the unbelieving - 14:11-38

                        d. Defeat by the Amalekites - 14:39-45

                4) God's judgment during forty years wandering

                        a. Rebellion of Korah - ch. 16

                        b. Moses sins - 20:2-13

                        c. Judgment with serpents - 21:4-9

                        d. Balaam, Moab and Israel's sin - ch. 22-25

                5) Preparation for the inheritance

                        a. Second numbering - ch. 26

                        b. Only two remain - 26:63-65

                        c. Joshua appointed in Moses' place - 27:12-23



        1. Passover - 9:1-14; especially v. 12; John 19:36;  1Cor. 5:7

        2. Red heifer sacrifice for cleansing - 19:1-9; Hebrews 13:11-13

        3. A picture of the crucifixion - 21:4-9;  John 3:14

        4. Reign of Christ foretold - 24:17



        1. We must heed the warning of the danger of unbeliever - Heb. 3:5-19

                1) Christians are God's house - v. 6

                2) We will be tried - v. 8

                3) Unbelief  is the danger - v. 12

                4) We must be faithful to partake of the promise - v.14

        2. God is able to deliver the faithful

                1) Joshua and Caleb believed God - 14:6-9

                2) The disbelieving wanted to stone them - v. 10

                3) The disbelieving were destroyed - 26:63-65

                4) Joshua and Caleb were left out of 603,550 men - 1:46;  26:65

        3. A faithful man is zealous for God

                1) Israel sins with Midianites - 25:1-2

                2) God commands punishment for the sinners - 25:3-5

                3) Phinehas is zealous to obey - 26:6-8

                4) The plague is stopped by Phinehas' obedience - 26:8-11

                5) Phinehas receives a reward from God - 26:12-13

        4. Even a great leader can sin

                1) Moses was a great leader - 12:5-8;  14-11-12;  14:13-19; 

                2) God commanded Moses - 20:7-8

                3) Moses disobeyed God - 20:7-11

                4) Moses was punished for unbelief - 20:12




1. Two faithful men who received God's promised entrance into Canaan were_____________ and __________________.


2. Israel prepared for going to Canaan by worshipping God.       True or False


3. Man's view of the world through his own eyes is different than how God sees the world.       True or False


4. How many men of war were numbered in Israel at the beginning of the journey, excluding Levi? (ch. 1:46)


5. How many men were numbered when Israel entered Canaan forty years later?  (26:51)


6. How many of those numbered in chapter one entered Canaan?


7. The Israelites wanted to ____________________ Joshua and Cleb when they encouraged trusting the Lord God.


8. Korah rejected the leadership of those appointed by God to lead His people, and as a result of his        rebellion against God's order:

        1) Korah was rejected by his friends

        2) Korah and his followers were destroyed by fire

        3) The earth opened and swallowed the families of Korah and those that followed him


9. The way to be great in God's service is

        1) Exalt yourself like Korah

        2) To have faith like Joshua and Caleb

        3) To be related to Moses and Aaron                                                               


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