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lesson 9






            1. Isaiah 7:14- Jesus was born of a virgin.

            2. Micah 5:2- He was born at Bethlehem.

            3. Daniel 2:44- He was born during the time of the fourth kingdom.



II. MAIN THEME:  Jesus was born according to the time and place promised in the prophecies of the Bible.  He lived under the Law of Moses and was tempted just as we are, but committed no sin.  He submitted Himself to His Father's will.

            1. Jesus was born according to the prophecies.

                        a. Born of a virgin as promised by Isaiah, Isaiah 7:14; Mat 1:18-24.

                        b. At Bethlehem of Judea as promised by Micah, Mic 5:2; Mat 2:4-6.

                        c. During the time of the Roman Kings, Dan 2:44; 9:24-26; Luke 2:1.

                        d. To be a blessing to all nations, Gen 12:3; Luke 2:10.

                        e. He is the promised Messiah, Luke 2:8-11; 25-32; Mat 2:1-12.

            2. Jesus grew up as a faithful Son.

                        a. Circumcised under the Law, Luke 2:21-22; Gal 4:4-5; Mat 5:17-18.

                        b. He grew in favor with God and man, Luke 2:49-52; Heb 5:9.

                        c. He was baptized by John, Luke 2:8-11.

            3. Jesus was tempted by Satan.

                        a. Jesus was tempted by the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the

                           pride of life, Mat 4:1-11; 1 John 2:15-16; James 1:13-15; Heb 2:14-18.

                        b. Jesus used God's word to resist Satan, Luke 4:1-13; John 5:30.

                        c. Jesus did not sin, Heb 4:14-15; 2 Cor 5:21; 1 Pet 2:21-24.

            4. Jesus went about teaching and doing many mighty signs.

                        a. He taught in the cities and the villages, Mat 9:35-36.

                        b. He did many great miracles, John 9; 11; Luke 8:26-39.

                        c. He taught us to love and serve each other, John 13:1-17; 31-35.

            5. Jesus entered Jerusalem in triumph, Mat 21; Mark 11; Luke 19; John 12.

                        a. He is Christ, the promised Messiah, Luke 19:38; John 12:13; 18:37.

                        b. He rode a donkey's colt, as promised, Zech 9:9; Luke 19:30-35.

                        c. He was praised by the people, Mark 11:8-10.

                        d. He cleansed the temple, Mat 21:12-16; Mark 11:15-17; Luke 19:45-46.




            1. The miracles of Jesus prove that He is the Son of God, John 20:30-31.

            2. Jesus has revealed God to us in a way we can understand.

                        a. In Him exists the fullness of God, Col 2:8-10.

                        b. He is the exact representation of God, Heb 1:1-4.

                        c. His glory is the light of the gospel, 2 Cor 4:1-7.

            3. We need to avoid using God's service as a way for financial gain, Mat 21:13;

                1 Pet 4:19; 5:1-4; 2 Pet 2:1-3; James 4:1-10.




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