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Lesson 1




1. Godhead


See Mat 28:19; Jn 15:26; 2 Cor 13:14; and 1 Pet 1:2


2. The Spirit, God, and Jesus Christ- Romans 8:9-10; Acts 16:6-7


a. The Spirit  of God.  Gen 1:2; Mat 12:28

                b. The Holy Spirit is God.  Acts 5:3-4  Ananias Lied to God (The Holy Spirit)

                c. The Holy Spirit is the Lord             2 Cor 3:17-18


3. Characteristics of the Holy Spirit              


                The Holy Spirit …

                                a.             Knows all.  (Omniscient) 1Cor 2:10

                                b.             Is Everywhere.  (Omnipresent)  Ps 129:7-12

                                c.             Is All-Powerful     (Omnipotent) Rom 15:19; 8:11

                                d.             Is Eternal. Heb 9:14

                                e.             Is Holy. Rom 1:4

                                f.              Gives Life. Rom 8:11

                                g.             Inspired the Word of God.  2 Pet 1:21, 2 Tim 3:16

                                h.             Is our Helper        .  Jn 14:26



We received the holy Spirit by repenting and being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ - Acts 2:38.  We can appreciate this gift even more by reflecting upon His characteristics.


Memory Verse:  Romans 8:9



1.             T             F              The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all God.                    


2.             T             F             Sometimes the Bible identifies the Spirit as being the Lord.        


3.             T             F              The Holy Spirit is omnipresent.                                                                                        


4.  What are 4 characteristics of the Holy Spirit?  


5. Draw a diagram showing the relationship between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


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