lesson 26 HOSEA I. BACKGROUND 1. Author - Hosea, the son of Beeri: 1:1-2 2. Date - 750 - 735 B. C., during the reign of Jeroboam II 3. Setting - Hosea sums up the things against Israel in the one word "whoredom." Israel had done worse than adultery: she had prostituted herself before the idols of the land for hire: 2:12-13. To illustrate this to Hosea and to Israel, Hosea must personally experience this disgrace by a wife of prostitution. II. PURPOSE OF THE BOOK 1. Key Verses: 4:1-6; 5:13; 6:3-9; 7:5-11; 9:7 2. Theme: God is a God of righteousness and love. The message, though, of Hosea seems to be "Doom." Due to a lack of knowledge of God's nature. 3. A view of the book of Hosea: 1) Israel's unfaithfulness - chapters 1-3. Hosea represents God, the loving, patient husband. Gomer represents the nations of Israel: the lustful, immoral wife. Their children represent the individual Jews, the scattered, unpitied and rejected, strange children. 2) Israel's national sin and chastisement - chapters 4 - 13 (seven steps to Israel's fall): a. Lack of knowledge: 4:6-11 b. Pride: 5:5 c. Instability: 6:4 d. Worldliness: 7:8 e. Corruption: 9:9 f. Backsliding: 11:7 g. Idolatry: 13:2 3) Israel's future hope - chapter 14. It is only by the grace of God and only because it is by the choice of God. 4. Israel's problems in Hosea's time. Israel's blacklist of sins: 1) Falsehood: 4:1 2) Licentiousness: 4:11 3) Murder: 5:2 4) Robbery: 7:1 5) Oppression: 12:7 5. God's figures for the sinner: 1) An adulterous wife: 3:1 2) A wine-inflamed drunkard: 4:11 3) A backsliding heifer: 4:18 4) As troops of robbery: 6:9 5) Hot as an oven: 7:7 6) A cake not turned (half-baked): 7:8 7) Like a silly dove: 7:11 8) Like a deceitful bow: 7:16 9) Swallowed up: 8:8 10) A vessel wherein is no delight: 8:8 11) A wild ass: 8:9 6. Israel's shortages: 1) Lack of knowledge: 4:1-2; 6; 6:3; 6; 8:12 2) Lack of trust in God: 5:13; 7:11; 8:5; 11:5-7 3) Lack of leadership: 4:4-6; 6:8-9; 9:7; 7:5-7 4) Lack of love for God: chapters 1 - 3; 11:1-4 III. ABOUT THE MESSIAH 1. Leader of Israel: 1:11 2. Called out of Egypt: 11:1; Matthew 2:15 IV. APPLICATIONS - LESSONS 1. Seven steps to fall or destruction: see :A view of the book" 2. The true nature of sin: tragedy (whoredom) 3. Without the knowledge of Jehovah and His law there can be no fellowship with God. 4. The marriage relationship should consist of sacredness and purity 5. Inward corruption is more dangerous than external enemies 6. Sin destroys the nerve that enables us to make moral decisions. 7. The root sin out of which all other sins spring is a lack of love 8. God is a great and unceasing lover. 9. God is a great sufferer whose love is often not returned 10. Sin ages one and destroys one's youthful spirit 11. Sin is contagious and one who exposes himself to it cannot hope to escape its certain effects HOSEA QUESTIONS 1. What seven things or steps led to Israel's downfall? 2. What four things did Israel lack according to Hosea?
1) 2) 3) 4) 3. Who does Hosea represent? Who does Gomer represent? 4. What one word describes the sinful state of Israel? 5. What two things does Hosea say is the true nature of God? 6. A person will become what he _________________. (9:10) |