Shanti Kumar Chettri Evangelist


P.O. BOX-1, BIRTAMOD, EAST NEPAL , PHONE-00977-23-541772

Beloved Brothers,

Greetings from Birtamod East Nepal In the name of Jesus the Lord of the Harvest. It is great joy for me to write you and share about our recent trip in East Nepal and India. Bro. Persuram and I good opportunity to have this trip with an effort to encourage Churches that are started newly and also to meet preachers and leaders to discuss about future work. We had good time in meeting them and encouraging in their Christian struggle for faith and freedom in Christ.

We had also organized Church interaction program for preachers and leaders and for all gospel workers. The theme of the program was," the role of the Churches of Christ in the present context". It was adressed by all preachers and we had discussed wide range of issues that is inturrupting the Church Growth in our land. We are united for future work and each one is willing to extend their co-operation in all social and spiritual aspects of the Church. We together looking greater spiritual revival and the traditional changes that will transformed to better peace and unity in the brotherhood. We look forward to deny all unbiblical legealistic approches to the Bible that has been our hinderance for our Christian unity and mission work.

We look forward your constant prayers as we strive to grow in the Lord and our mission in reaching unreached. Thank you for your love and support in the work. May God continue to bless you all. Thank you for writing and encouraging in faith. Please cone our loving regards to all dear ones with you.

Since Bro. Persuram will be writting details of the trip let me close it for now here.
Thank you.

Your's always in faith...
Shanti Kumar Chettri

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