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lesson 7


The Final Week: Jesus In Jerusalem



1.   The Triumphal Entry – Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-44

            a. The Significance of the Donkey

                    i.    Important people in Jesus' time often rode donkeys, but it was unusual for a "king" to do so.

                    ii.   For a king to do so was a symbol of peace (and perhaps humility) – see I Kings 1:33

                    iii.  He also fulfilled prophecy by entering in this way:

                                1.   Zechariah 9:9 – prophecy about the future king of Israel

                                2.   Solomon also entered in this way to be anointed king – I Kings 1:33-34

            b. Jesus Visited By Greeks – John 12:20-36

                          i.    Their visit apparently reminded Jesus (or let him know) that the hour of his death and glorification had

                                arrived – vs. 23

                          ii.   In a sense their visit foretold and foreshadowed the evangelization and salvation of the Gentiles – vs. 32

                          iii.  Jesus spoke of the requirements for being his disciple – vs. 26

                                      1.   The Most Important Commandments – Matthew 22:43-40; Mark 12:28-34

                                                  a.   Jesus emphasizes two:

                                                              i.    "Love the Lord your God…."

                                                              ii.   "Love your neighbor as yourself."

                                                  b.   These two form the basis for all the law and the teachings of the prophets – Matthew 22:40

                                                              i.    If one truly obeys these two, the others will be obeyed as well.

                                                              ii.   It is important to note and remember the kind of love mentioned here: "with all…" and" as



2.   Teaching About The Second Coming – Matthew 25

            a. The Parable of the ten virgins

                    i.    Jesus' principal teaching here is that his disciples must be prepared always for no one knows when that will

                                be – Matthew 25:13

                    ii.   Those that are not prepared for Jesus' return will not be able to accompany him – Mt. 25:11-12

            b. The Parable of the money (talents)

                    i.    spiritual) with which he has entrusted and blessed them – Mt. 25:14-30

                    ii.   The unfaithful will be lost – Matthew 25:28-30


3.   The Passover and the Institution of the Lord's Supper – Matthew 26:17-29; Mark 14:12-25; Luke 22:7-23; John 13:21-30

            a. The Bread

                    i.    Signifies the body of the Lord – Matthew 26:26; etc.

                    ii.   Note what Paul says of the bread I Cor. 10:16-17 and 11:23-26.

            b. The Cup

                    i.    Signifies the blood of Jesus – Matthew 26:28

                    ii.   Note what Paul says of the cup in I Cor. 10:16 and 11:23-26

            c. In the upper room, on the road, and in the garden of Gethsemane

                    i.    Jesus gave his disciples (the 12- Lk. 22:14) some final instructions – Jn. 13-16

                    ii.   He promised to send them the Holy Spirit after he left them – Jn. 14:16-17


4.   Peter denies the Lord – Matthew 26:30-35, 69-75; and parallels in Mark, Luke, and John

            a. Peter promised loyalty to Jesus, trusting in His own power – Mt. 26:33, 35

            b. Fear caused Peter to break His promise and deny Jesus – Mt. 26:69-75



Lesson 7 Questions

The Final Week:  Jesus In Jerusalem


1.   Riding a donkey in Jesus' time was a symbol of what?


2.   What prophecy did Jesus fulfill by entering Jerusalem on a donkey (what is the text)?


3.   According to Jesus, what is the most important commandment? (Mt. 22:34-40)


4.   In Mark 12:28-34 Jesus says that we should love God with what?


5.   What is the main message of the parable about the 10 virgins – Mt. 25?


6.   Jesus celebrated the Passover with his disciples before or after he entered Jerusalem for the last time?


7.   True or False


            a._______Jesus taught that the unfaithful would be pardoned on the last day.


            b._______Jesus promised the disciples that he would send them the Holy Spirit when he left them.


            c._______The bread of the Lord's Supper represents the blood of Jesus.


            d._______Peter was always faithful to the Lord.


            e._______Jesus never spoke with the Gentiles before dying and for that reason called Paul.


8.   Put the following events in order by writing 1-5 in the blank


            a._______The celebration of the Passover


            b._______Peter denies Jesus


            c._______Jesus arrives on a donkey


            d._______Jesus teaches about the most important commandments


            e._______The visit of the Gentiles




1.   It is understood that Peter denied Jesus out of fear.  How has fear influenced you to sin or deny Jesus?  How can you

      overcome fear in your life?

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