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lesson 8


The Death of Jesus



I.  The Judgment – Matthew 26:57- 27:31; Mark 14:53- 15:20; Luke 22:54- 23:25; John 18:12-19:16

          A.  Two processes: 1) Before the Sanhedrin (high council) of the Jews; 2) before Pilate, the Roman governor.

                      i.    Before the Jews

                                  1.   Annas- Jn. 18:12-24 – he was the father-in-law of the high priest that year, Caiaphas; he

                                        interrogated Jesus.

                                  2.   Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin – Matthew 26:57-68; Mark 14:53-65; Luke 22:54-55, 63-71; John 18:24

                                              a.   They interrogated him (questioned him)

                                              b.   They looked for a way to condemn him to death.

                                              c.   They listened to false witnesses.

                                              d.   They condemned him because Jesus admitted that he was the Messiah, the Son of God.

                      ii.   Before Pilate, the Roman governor, and Herod, governor of Galilee- Mt. 27:3-26; Mk. 15:1-15;

                            Lk. 23:1-25; Jn. 18:28-19:16

                                  1.   At daybreak they delivered him to Pilate, falsely accusing him.

                                  2    Upon hearing that Jesus was from Galilee, Pilate sent him to Herod, the governor of Galilee, who

                                        was in Jerusalem at the time Lk. 23:6:13

                                              a.   Herod questioned Jesus, but Jesus didn't respond.

                                              b.   The chief priests and teachers of the law accused him.

                                              c.   Herod and his soldiers treated Jesus with great disrespect, making fun of him.

                                              d.   Herod returned him to Pilate.                                        

                                  3.   Upon not finding Jesus guilty of anything that deserved the death penalty, Pilate decided to punish

                                        him and free him – Lk 23:14-16

                                  4.   Because the Jews were not in agreement, Pilate tried to free him according to the custom of releasing

                                        a prisoner during this feast.

                                  5.   The crowd became angry and instead shouted that for Pilate to free Barrabas, a dangerous criminal.

                                  6.   They shouted for him to crucify Jesus.

                                  7.   Pilate ordered the soldiers to flog Jesus and tried to therefore free him, but the Jews wouldn't let him.

                                  8.   Pilate tried to turn Jesus over to the Jews so that they could crucify him, but they insisted that Pilate

                                        do it – Jn. 19:6-15

                                  9.   Pilate turned Jesus over to the soldiers to be crucified.

                                  10. Pilate did this to please the people – Mark 15:15


II. The Crucifixion of Jesus

          1.   The Roman soldiers mocked Jesus and struck Him – Mt. 27:27-31; Mk. 15:16-20; Jn. 19:1-3.   In order to

                humiliate Him:

                      A.  They took off his clothes and put a purple robe on him.

                      B.  They put a crown of thorns on his head and a staff in his right hand

                      C.  They made fun of him, kneeling before him.

                      D.  They spit upon him and beat him about the head.

          2.   They took him to be crucified _ Mt. 27:32; Mk. 15:21; Lk. 23:26-31; Jn. 10:17

                      A.  Jesus left carrying his cross – Jn. 19-17

                      B.  Simon of Cyrene was forced to continue carrying the cross – Mt. 27:32

                      C.  Many people, both men and women, followed him, in a great sadness – Lk 23:27

          3.   They arrived at a place called Golgotha, which means the place of the skull.

                      A.  They gave him wine mixed with gall (myrrh according to Mark), but he refused it – Mt. 27:34

                      B.  The soldiers crucified him (nailed him to the cross) at 9:00 am and cast lots to divide up his clothes. 

                            His tunic or undergarment was of one piece and was also awarded by casting lots – Jn. 19:23-24

                      C.  The soldiers put a sign above him identifying him as "The King of the Jews" John 19:19-22

                                  i.    It was written in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew.

                                  ii.   The Jews wanted Pilate to have it read, "this man claimed to be King of the Jews," but Pilate

                                        refused to change it.

                      D.  The high-ranking Jews made fun of him – Mt. 27:41-43, as did the people passing by – Mt. 27:39-40;

                            and those crucified with him – Mk 15:32; as well as the soldiers – Lk. 23:36-37

                      E.   One of the criminals crucified with him repented, rebuking the other criminal, and asked Jesus to remember

                            him when Jesus came into his kingdom – Luke 23:40-43

                      F.   Jesus saw his mother and a disciple (probably John) and put the disciple in charge of his mother – 19:26-27

          4.   The death of Jesus – Mt. 27:45-56; Mk. 15:33-41; Lk. 23:44-49; Jn. 19:28-37

                      A.  From mid-day to 3pm the land was covered in darkness – Mt. 27:45

                      B.  At the ninth hour (3pm) Jesus cried out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

                      C.  Someone offered him wine vinegar, but others, thinking that Jesus had called upon Elijah told him

                            to leave Jesus alone – Mt. 27:48-49

                      D.  Jsus cried out once more and died – Mt. 27:50

                      E.   The veil of the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom; there was an earthquake; and the tombs

                            opened with many holy people being raised to life – Mt. 27:51-53

                      F.   The soldiers guarding Jesus recognized him as the Son of God – Mt. 27:54

                      G.  The disciples of Jesus remained, watching everything from a distance – Lk. 23:49

                      H.  Later a soldier pierced Jesus' side with a spear causing a flow of blood and water, there by showing him

                            to be already dead.  His legs were not broken- Jn. 119:33-37.

          5.   Important Lessons From Jesus' Death

                      A.  Jesus was victorious over Satan – Note Hebrews 2:14

                      B.  His death shows the great love of God for man – John 3:16

                      C.  Jesus' death satisfied the injustice of God, the offended – Rm. 3:25; I Jn. 2:2

                      D.  His death provided the only means of salvation – Acts 4:12; Heb. 9:22

          6.   The Burial of Jesus

                      A.  Joseph of Arimathea, a disciple of Jesus and an important member of the Sanhedrin, went to see

                            Pilate in the evening of his death to ask for Jesus' body Mt. 27:58

                      B.  They gave it to him, and he and Nicodemus wrapped it in a clean linen sheet along with spices and

                            placed it in a new tomb in a rock in the garden where he was crucified; sealing it off with a large

                            rock – Jn. 19:41; Mt. 27:59-60

                      C.  The women that had accompanied Jesus from Galilee (at least Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother

                            of Jesus) saw the tomb and went and prepared spices and ointments – Lk. 23:55; Mk. 15:47




Lesson 8  Questions

The Death of Jesus



1.  Match the correct number from the column on the right with the letter of the left column.


          ________A.  Annas                                 1.  A dangerous criminal


          ________B.  Pilate                                    2. Father-in-law of the High Priest


          ________C.  Sanhedrin                            3.  Asked for the body of Jesus


          ________D.  Barrabas                              4.  Governor of Galilee


          ________E.  Herod                                   5.  Supreme council of the Jews


          ________F.  Joseph of Arimathea         6.  Condemned Jesus to death


2. In Jesus' trial, before whom did Jesus have to present himself first?


3. When Jesus' trial, before whom did Jesus have to present himself first?


4. Why did Pilate finally turn Jesus over to be crucified?


5. True and False


          a. ______ The Sanhedrin and Caiaphas listened to false witnesses.


          b. ______ They condemned Jesus because he admitted he was the Messiah.


          c. ______Herod and his soldiers treated Jesus well.


          d. ______Pilate wanted to free Jesus because he found no reason to condemn him.


          e. ______Jesus left carrying his cross but had help later.


          f. ______ Everyone that saw Jesus going to Golgotha rejoiced.


          g. ______The soldiers cast lots to divide up all of Jesus' clothing.


          h. ______The disciples stayed close to Golgotha, watching everything from afar.


          i. _______The soldiers broke the legs of Jesus.


          j. _______After his death the soldiers there recognized Jesus as the Son of God.


6. What did Pilate's soldiers do to humiliate Jesus?


7. What time was Jesus nailed to the cross?


8. Who made fun of Jesus while he was on the cross?


9. What lessons can we learn from Jesus' death?

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