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Lesson 11






        1. Authors - Paul and Timothy, but primarily Paul: 1:1

        2  Date - during Paul's early imprisonment in Rome:1:12-14;  4:22

        3. Setting - While Paul is in prison, the Philippian Christians are concerned for him, so he provides some comfort to them

            through his letter.



        1. Key Verses:  1:27;  2:5

        2. Purpose:  To encourage them to conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, that is, to live in imitation

            of Christ as seen in the gospel:  1:27

                1) Christ's manner of worthy conduct:  2:5-11

                2) Christ's manner revealed in Paul:  1:3-13, 19-24;  2:17;  3:4-14; 4:11-13

                3) Christ's manner revealed in Timothy:  2:19-24

                4) Christ's manner revealed in Epaphroditus:  2:25-30

                5) Christ's manner revealed in them in the past:  1:3-5,7;  2:12;  4:15-16,18

                6) The Enemies conduct in contrast in Christ:  1:28;  2:21;  3:2, 18-19



        1. Have the right mind-set:

                1) Of standing fast in ome spirit and striving for the faith of the gospel:  1:27-18

                2) Of always seeking unity:  2:1-4

                        a. By having the same love.

                        b. By being of one accord.

                        c. By being humble.

                        d. By putting others before ourselves in our service.

                        e. By having the attitude of Christ:  2:5

                3) Of forsaking our dependence on self and it's glory, and stretching toward the goal in Christ:  3:13-15

                4) Of thinking on positive things:  4:8

        2. Have the right actions:

                1) Always abounding in love:  1:9

                2) Seek to proclaim Christ in any situation:  1:15-18

                3) Imitate Christ in His worthy life:  1:27

                4) Do all things without complaining:  2:14

                5) Always rejoice:  2:18;  4:4

                6) Put your confidence in Christ:  3:3

        3. God is our helper:

                1) He will complete the good workers in us:  1:6

                2) He works in us, both to will and to work:  2:13

                3) He gives us righteousness through Jesus:  3:8-9

                4) He is able to raise us up and give us a new body:  3:20-21

                5) He empowers us to do all things:  4:13

                6) He supplies all our needs:  4:19

        4. Giving always benefits the one who gives:  4:15-19

        5. Bad situations can be blessings in disguise:  1:12-18

                1) For the progress of the gospel:  1:12

                2) For the increased boldness of brethren who sees us:  1:14

                3) For the proclamation of Christ:  1:18

                4) For our rejoicing:  1:18

        6. Let your love abound more and more in real knowledge and discernment:  1:9-10




1. True or False:    Joy Comes from....


    ____1)  Service


    ____2)  Others preaching Christ with wrong motives


    ____3)   Obeying the law


    ____4)  Beloved brethren


    ____5)  Christ


2. What does it mean to "have the mind of Christ?"  (2:5)


3. Match the person with his attitude or example:


    ____1)  Timothy                      a.   poured out as a drink offering


    ____2)  Paul                              b.   genuinely concerned for your welfare


    ____3)  Jesus                           c.   close to death for the work of Christ


    ____4)  Epaphroditus             d     emptied himself


    ____5)  Philippians                  e.   you alone shared with me



4. List four (4) attitudes or mind-sets we should have, and explain them in your own words:










5. Finish these sentences:


    1) A life worthy of the gospel is.......


    2) Rejoice in the Lord always because ........


    3) You can know I regard you as more important than myself because............


    4) I am confident because ...........


6. What was Paul's source for contentment?  (Philippians 4:11-13)


7. Are you able to be content when you have little and when you have much?  Why?


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