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Lesson 19






        1. Author - It is thought to be James, the brother of Jesus, who did not believe in Jesus as the Son of God until He had risen

            from the dead  (John 7:3-5, Acts 1:14;  1 Corinthians 15:7).  James became one of the leaders of the Jerusalem church

            (Acts 15:13;  Galatians 2:9).

        2. Date - It appears to have been written about A.D.45, since it does not mentions the Jerusalem council of Acts 15.

        3. Setting - The book was written to Jewish Christians who had been scattered from Palestine by persecution or other

            situations: 1:1;  Acts 8:1-4;  12:14-17



        1. Key verses:  1:2-4;  2:14-17

        2. Purpose:  To show the progress of faith in a Christian's life.  Hence, it gave instruction concerning matters that involve faith

            in the Christian life.

        3. How faith responds to trials:  1:2-18

                1) Recognize the good fruit of testing:  1:2-4

                2) Ask God for help:  1:5-7

                3) Look to the promised reward:  1:12;  Philippians 3:10-14

                4) Recognize God as the source of blessings:  1:13-18

        4. How faith works:  1:19-2:26

                1) Faith obeys God's word: 1:22

                2) Faith practices love:  1:27

                3) Love removes discrimination:  2:1-9

                4) Faith produces mercy toward others:  2:12-12

                5) There is no faith without works:  2:14-20

        5. Faith brings us into submission to God:  3:1-4:17

                1) Faith controls our tongue:  3:1-12

                2) True wisdom is at peace with God and man:  3:17-18 (1:5)

                3) God gives grace to the humble:  4:6-12, 15

        6. Faith produces victory:  chap. 5

                1) Victory is not based on earthly riches:  5:1-6

                2) Faith produces endurance:  5:7-12

                3) Faith causes us to pray for each other:  5:13-16

                4) Faith confronts sin and helps the erring brother:  5:19-20



        1. Compare JAMES with the Sermon on the Mount:

                1) Blesses are the persecuted:  1:2;  Matthew 5:10-12

                2) The need for perfection: 1:4;  Matthew 5:43-48

                3) The need for mercy:  2:13;  Matthew 6:14-15

                4) Avoid harsh judgment of others:  4:11;  Matthew 7:1-2

                5) Do not trust in earthly riches:  5:2;  Matthew 6:19

        2. Practice Pure Religion:

                1) Help the helpless:  1:27;  2:15-16

                2) Live pure lives:  1:27;  3:13-4:7;  Ephesians 4:23-29

        3. Love is evidence of faith:   2:8

                1) Love shares joy and sorrow:  5:13-15

                2) Love brings us to God:  1:17-18;  John 3:16;  John 14:15

                3) Love demonstrates our faith in practical ways:

                        a. By helping the widows and orphans:  1:27

                        b. By equally fellowshipping with all:  2:1-9

                        c. By providing the needs of those without:  2:15-16

                        d. By not judging our brethren:  4:11-12

                        e. By praying for those who have needs:  5:16

                        f. By confronting the erring brother:  5:19-20




1. Multiple Choice:  Trials and suffering cause faithful Christians to:


    1) become discouraged

    2) become bitter and angry

    3) ask why God has done this to me

    4) become more patient


2. ________________________ makes our faith alive and fruitful.


3. God has chosen the _____________ of this world to be rich in faith.


4. How can we practice pure religion?


5. "Be ye ________________ of the word and not ___________ only."


6. What would you do if someone of a lower caste who was dressed in shabby clothes came into your assembly of the church?


7. "Confess your _____________ to one another, and ____________ for one another, that you may be _______________."


8. What causes wars and fighting among us?  (as the church)


9. True or False:


    _____ 1)   Faith without works is dead.

    _____ 2)   God resists the humble, but gives grace to the proud.

    _____ 3)   It is good to hold bitterness and malice in your hearts.

    _____ 4)   Our physical life only lasts for a short time like a vapor.

    _____ 5)   If we know to do good and do not do it, then we are sinning.


10.   How are we tempted to sin?

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