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Lesson 2





        1. Author - John Mark:  Acts:  13:13;  15:36-40;  2 Timothy 4:11

        2. Date - Events:  A. D. 27-30    Writing:  A. D. 60-70

        3. Setting - Jewish communities in Galilee, Peraea, and Judea.  It was probably meant for a Roman readership.



        1. Theme Verses:  8:31, 34-37;  10:33-34;  43-45

        2. Theme - To present Jesus as the suffering servant and redeemer, with emphasis upon the action (trial and death in detail).

        3. Outline of the Theme -

                1) Presentation of the Servant

                        a. He is the Son of God:  1:1;  11;  8:27-30

                        b. Transfiguration:  9:2-7

                2) Work of the Servant

                        a. Preaching the gospel: 1:14-15;  21-22;  38-39

                        b. Calling disciples:  1:16-20;  2:14:  3:13-19

                        c. Healing:  1:29-31;  40-42;  2:3-12

                        d. Teaching:  4:1-20;  21-25;  26-29;  30-34

                        e. Miracles:  4:35-41;  5:1-20;  35-43

                3) Opposition to the Servant

                        a. Over friendship with sinners:  2:15-17

                        b. Over Sabbath keeping:  2:23-28;  3:1-6

                        c. By his friends:  3:20-21;  6:1-6

                4) Preparation of Disciples

                        a. Jesus foretells his death:  9:30-32

                        b. Jesus teaches the way to greatness  9:35:  10:35-45

                        c. Jesus shows riches hinder entering kingdom:  10:13-27

                        d. Jesus tells of coming crucifixion:  10:32-34

                        e. Jesus and fig tree:  11:12-14;  20-26

                        f.  Jesus tells about tribulation:  13:5-37

                        g. Jesus shares supper with disciples:  14:22-25

                5) Rejection by Rulers

                        a. They question Jesus' authority:  11:27-33

                        b. They question him about taxes:  12:13-17

                        c. They question him about resurrection:  12:18-27

                        d. One questions him about greatest commandment:  12:28:34

                        e. Jesus questions leaders:  12:35-37

                        f.  Jesus condemns leaders:  12:38-40

                6) Jesus faces crucifixion

                        a. Anointing by woman:  14:3-9

                        b. Betrayal by Judas:  14:10-11;  18-21;  43-49

                        c. Mark is witness?:  14:51-52

                        d. Peter denies Jesus:  14:27-31;  66-72

                        e. Trial by Pilate:  15:1-14

                        f.  Jesus is beaten and crucified:  15:15-39;  Psalm 22

                7) Jesus' burial and resurrection

                        a. Jesus is buried:  15:42-47

                        b. Resurrection announced by angel:  16:4-7

                        c. Appearance and instructions to disciples:  16:9-18

                        d. Ascension of Jesus:  16:19-20



        1. The Way to Greatness in God's Kingdom

                1) Be willing to pay the price

                        a. Christ gave his life:  10:45

                        b. We must deny self:  8:34;  Romans 6:6

                        c. We must come as a child:  10:13-16

                2) Be willing to serve

                        a. Christ came to serve:  10:45;  Philippians 2:5-8

                        b. We must serve:  9:35;  10:37-45;  Philippians 2:5

                3) Be willing to suffer

                        a. Rejection by family:  3:20;  6:16

                        b. Rejection by disciples:  14:10-11;  27-31;  50;  66-72

                        c. Rejection by religious leaders:  11:15-19;  12:1-12

                        d. Abuse by the world:  15:9-25

                        e. We can expect the same:  10:39;  2 Timothy 2:12 & 3:12

                4) Move toward the goal

                        a. The word "immediately" found 42 times  in Mark

                        b. Watch and pray:  14:32-38

                        c. Press on:  Philippians 3:14;  Ephesians 5:16;  Colossians 4:

                        d. Remove obstacles:  9:42-50;  Romans 6:12-14

                        e. Share the urgency of the gospel message:  16:15-16

                5) Exaltation

                        a. Christ exalted:  16:19:  Acts 1:9-11;  Philippians 2:9-11

                        b. Our exaltation:  10:28-31;  1 Corinthians 15:49-58

        2. The Problem of Riches

                1) The problem is trusting worldly riches:  10:24;  Luke 16:9-13

                        a. The rich man trusted his wealth:  10:17-22

                        b. Our soul is greatest treasure:  8:34-38;  Matthew 6:19-20

                        c. Do we trust the power of money to spread gospel?  Mark 6:7-11; Matthew 10:5-14

                2) The wealthy can also trust God

                        a. Joseph of Arimathea:  15:42-46;  Matthew 27:57

                        b. Possible with God:  10:27

                        c. Blessings promised for this life:  10:29-31

                        d. Example of early church:  Acts 4:32-35




1. Why did Christ come to earth?


2. How can we become great in God's kingdom?


3. All things are ___________________ with God.


4. Christ was rejected by _______________, ________________, and ___________________.


5. Christ said," Watch and _____________, lest you enter into __________________."


6. But many who are first shall be __________, and the last _________________.


7. Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a _______________ _______________,

    will by no means enter it.


8. For even the Son of Man did not come to be ___________________, but to _____________,

    and to give His life a ransom for many.


9. Christ went into Galilee (Mark 1:14-15) to:     (select one)


    a. show His power

    b. defeat Rome

    c. glorify His mother

    d. preach the gospel


10.   The seed in the parable of the soils is:  (Mark 4:1-20)


    a. The spirit of God

    b. The ability of the preacher     (select one)

    c. The word of God

    d. A mustard seed


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