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Lesson 3






    1. Author - Luke, a physician and frequent laborer with Paul, who was present,

        ministering to Paul during his imprisonments;  see 2 Timothy 4:11 and

        Colossians 4:14.

    2. Date - about A.D. 65-85; possibly while Paul was imprisoned in Caearea and Rome,

        Luke gathered the information needed to write this account of Jesus' life.

    3. Setting - The book deals with the time from before Jesus' birth until His ascension into

        heaven.  It was written to Theophilus, possibly a member of Caesar's household,

        who had heard of Jesus through oral teaching.



    1. Key Verses:  1:1-4;  19:10;  Acts 1:1-5

    2. Purpose:  To give and accurate, chronological, and comprehensive account

        of the life of Christ in order to establish and strengthen Theophilus' faith

        (and the faith of the Gentiles); to show the humanity of the Christ.  These

        were the things that Jesus began both to do and to teach, until the day

        He ascended into heaven;  Acts 1:1

    3. Outline of the Book:

        1) Introduction to the Son of Man

            a. Kinship to John, the Baptizer:  1:5-25

            b. The miraculous conception of Jesus:  1:26-45

            c. Birth of Jesus:  2:1-14

            d. Circumcision of Jesus:  2:21-24

            e. The child grows:  2:40

            f.  The genealogy of Jesus (through Mary):  3:23-38

        2) Jesus begins His work

            a. Teaching in the Temple:  2:41-50

            b. Jesus grows in wisdom:  2:51-52

            c. Jesus is baptized by John:  3:21-22

            d. Tempted by the devil:  4:1-13

            e. Rejected by His countrymen:  4:16-30

        3) Jesus demonstrates His power

            a. Power over demons:  4:31-37

            b. Power over diseases:  4:38-39

            c. Power over the Sabbath:  6:1-11

            d. Power over death:  7:11-16;  8:49-56

        4) Jesus shows compassion for the poor and the outcasts.

            a. The beautitudes:  6:20-26

            b. The sinful woman:  7:36-50

            c. The tax collectors and sinners:  15:1-32

            d. The lepers:  17:11-19

            e. The tax collector, Zacchaeus:  19:1-10

            f.  The dying thief:  23:39-43

            g. The children:  18:15-17

    5) Jesus shows His humanity

            a. Calls Himself the Son of Man twenty-five (25) times in the book.

            b. His human emotions throughout the book such as:

                His crying, His joy, His need for God, His pain....

            c. His dying on the cross reveals His humanity.

            d. After His resurrection:  24:38-43



    1. The Prologue gives some strength to our faith because: 1:1=4

        1) We can "know the certainty" of the things that were heard:  enough

            evidence had been gathered to eliminate doubt.  the gospel is

            fully documented in history; not a myth or legend.

        2) Luke's record is thorough and accurate from beginning to end:  it is

            reliable, adequate.

    3) The material was gathered from eyewitnesses and ministers of the

            word; it is believable, credible, tested, lived

        4) This gospel concerned matters "fulfilled among us"; it is relevant and relied

            upon the plan of O.T. prophecy.

        5) All these things had to do with Jesus, His teachings and His actions:  Acts 1:1-2

    2. Great themes of Luke's record:

        1) The mercy of God:  1:50, 54

        2) God's salvation of man:  1:69-72, 77, 2:11, 25 30,38;  19:10

        3) Forgiveness of sins:  1:77;  5:  20-24;  7:47;  24:44-47

        4) Law vs Grace:  6:1-11;  14:1-6;  18:9-14




1. When we have examined enough evidence concerning facts we can "know the

    ___________________________ " of those things (Luke 1:4).


2. The book of Luke is all about life of __________________.


3. Jesus not only believed that the Old Testament scriptures predicted that He

    had to suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, but also that ___________

    and ________________ of sins should be preached in His name to all

    _________________, beginning from Jerusalem.  (Luke 24:46-47)


4. Some great themes of the gospel of Luke are:







5. Luke was trained in what profession?


6. Why would God include four gospel accounts in our Bibles?


7. Should people believe everything they are told?  What should cause us to have

    faith in things we cannot see?


8. Is it alright to ask to have things proven before believing?  Is it alright to prove or to

    question things that are recorded in the Bible?


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