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lesson 17





       1. Author - Solomon, chapters 1 - 29.  Chapters 30 is by Agur, son of Jakeh, and chapter 31 is by Kings Lemuel as

           taught by his mother.

       2. Date - Solomon's proverbs were written by 931 B.C., and chapters 25-29 were collected by Hezekiah about 230 years later.

       3. Setting - Words from the wise men of Israel



       1. Key Verses:  1:2-7;  8:22-31

       2. Theme:   Solomon, with the gift of wisdom from God, sought to find truth and convey the message of truth and wisdom to

           all who would learn from him.Ecclesiastes:  12:9-11

             1) Purpose of the Proverbs:  1:2-9

             2) Proverbs to the young:  1:8 - 9:18

                    a.    Avoid bad company:  1:10-19

                    b. Seek wisdom:  1:20 - 2:22

                    c.    Trust in the Lord:  3:1-26

                    d. Father says get wisdom:  4:1-13

                    e.    Do not commit adultery:  5:1-23;  6:20 - 7:27

                    f. Praise of wisdom:  8:1 - 9:12

             3) Proverbs of Solomon

                    a.    Proverbs contrasting the godly and the wicked:  10:1 - 15:33

                    b. Proverbs encouraging godly lives:  16:1 - 22:16

                    c.    Proverbs for different life situations:  22:17 - 24:34

             4) Proverbs copied by Hezekiah's men:  25:1 - 29:27

                    a.    Proverbs about relationships with others:  25:1 - 26:28

                    b. Proverbs for life:  27:1 - 29:27

             5) Proverbs of Agur son of Jakeh:  ch. 30

             6) Proverbs of King Lemuel:  ch. 31



       Wisdom is personified in chapter 8.  Wisdom became flesh in Jesus Christ, "in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom

       and knowledge."  Colossians 2:3, see also 1 Cor. 1:30



       1. The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge

             1) Understanding God's power and justice produces respect for His word: 1:7;  23;  25-32;  9:10

             2) Those who trust God will have no fear of evil:  1:33;  2:1-22

             3) We must trust God's ways, not our own ways:  3:1-8;  30:5-6

       2. The wise woman

             1) A virtuous wife is worth more than rubies:  30:10

             2) She is trustworthy:  30:13-19

             3) She works diligently:  30:13-19

             4) She cares for the poor:  30:20

             5) She provides for her family:  30:21-24

             6) She trusts in God:  30:25-26;  30

             7) She is worthy of praise:  30:28-31

       3. A warning against alcohol abuse

             1)   Alcohol abuse causes many woes:  23:29-30

             2)   It is enticing:  23:31

             3)   It perverts the mind:  23:32-35

             4)   It is addictive:  23:35

       4.    Benefits of wisdom

             1)   Wisdom comes from God:  8:22-31

             2)   Wisdom involves keeping God's commands:  3:1-6;  7:1-3

             3)   Wisdom gives us long life:  3:2;  8;  16:  4:10

              4)   Wisdom keeps us from sin:  2:10-22;  5:1-23;  6:20 -7:27

             5)   Wisdom teaches us to be kind to others:  3:9;  27-28;  11:24-25

             6)   Wisdom produces humility:  3:34;  6:16-17;  12:1;  16:5




Fill in the blanks:


1. The __________________ of the Lord is the ___________ of ________________.  (1:7)


2. In the _________________ of counsel there is _____________.  (24:6)


3. All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in __________ __________.


4. Everyone who is ____________ in heart is and _____________ to the Lord.  (16:5)


5. Chapter 23:29:-35 describes a _____________________.


6. Trust in the Lord with all your ____________, and lean not upon your own ______________. (3:5)


7. God gives grace to the _________________. (3:34)


True or False


8.    ______ Solomon received wisdom as a gift from God.  (2 Chr. 1:11f)


9.    ______ The purpose of the proverbs is to teach wisdom and understanding. 


10.  ______ Wisdom was with God in the beginning before the creation.


11.  ______ A wise person gives to the Lord and to other people.


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