lesson 29 OBADIAH I. BACKGROUND 1. Author - Obadiah, the prophet: 1:1 2. Date - Approximately 585 - 580 B.C. 3. Setting - Edom had long been the enemy of God's people. Edom's sins against the people of God were sins against God. God proclaimed His judgment against those sins. II. PURPOSE OF THE BOOK 1. Key Verse: 1:3; 8; 15; 17-20 2. Theme: Justice of God 1) Condemnation of evil: 1:1-16 a. Evil from within: 1:3 b. Evil from outside: 1:5 2) Judgments: 1:8-17 3) Reward of the righteous: 1:17-21 a. Physical reward: 1:19 b. Spiritual reward: 1:21 III. ABOUT THE MESSIAH Obadiah 1:21 - Matthew 16:17-19; Acts 1:8 IV. APPLICATIONS - LESSONS 1. Evil associations will destroy you: 1:7; Proverbs 13:20; 28:24; Psalms 33:12 2. Standing by and allowing evil to have its way is sin: 1:10; Jude 3 3. Taking advantage (gain) from sin is evil: 1:13; Matthew 21:13 4. God will punish wickedness: 1:15; Galatians 6:8 5. God will reward the faithful: 1:17; Galatians 6:8 OBADIAH QUESTIONS 1. The occasion of Obadiah's prophecy was: 1) The coming of the Lord 2) The destruction of Edom 3) God's love for Israel 2. Obadiah prophesied against the sin of PRIDE. True or False 3. Obadiah prophesied against the sin of VIOLENCE. True or False 4. Those that sin against others are condemned by God. True or False 5. What is the principle of Obadiah 1:15? 6. What is meant by the expression, "Standing on the other side"? 1) Standing on one foot 2) Showing no concern 3) Standing alone 7. In the day of their calamity you should not have _____ into the gate nor have _____upon their affliction, nor ____ hands on their substance. |