lesson 30 JONAH I. BACKGROUND 1. Author - Perhaps Jonah but not specifically stated 2. Date - Uncertain 3. Setting - 8th century during the reign of Jeroboam II (790 -749 B.C.): during the Assyrian Empire: also during the time of Hosea and Amos II. PURPOSE OF THE BOOK 1. Key Verses: 1:1-3; 3:5-10; 4:1-2 2. Theme: Showing that God offers salvation to the whole world and demonstrating that sometimes the heathen are more in tune with God than God's own people 3. Outlines: 1) Jonah tries to run from God: ch. 1 2) Jonah prays to God: 2 3) Jonah preaches to Ninevah: 3 4) Jonah is angry that Ninevah escapes destruction: 4 III. ABOUT THE MESSIAH Jonah pictures beforehand the burial and resurrection of the Messiah: 1:17; Matt 21:38-40 IV. APPLICATIONS - LESSONS 1. We can't run and hide from God. 2. God loves and wants to save the whole human race. 3. Even evil people can repent. 4. We must learn to love, like God, even our enemies. JONAH QUESTIONS 1. Where did God tell Jonah to go preach? - 1:1 2. What terrible thing happened to Jonah on his way to Tarshish? 1:17 3. How long did God give the city of Ninevah to repent? 3:4 4. What did the people of Ninevah do when they heard Jonah's message? 3:5. 10 5. What proclamation did the king of Ninevah make when he heard of Jonah's message? 3:6-9 6. List four characteristics of God that explain God's willingness to forgive people of sin. 4:2 |