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lesson 3






1. John 4:1-26, 39-42 - Jesus made disciples at inconvenient times and places.


2. Mark 6:27-34 - Jesus made disciples in times of emotional distress.


3. Acts 4:5-21 - The apostles made disciples in times of danger and persecution.


4. John 12:32, 3:14-15 - The story of the cross draws people to Jesus.


5. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 - Receiving and standing in the gospel produces salvation.


II. MAIN THEME - Jesus made disciples by teaching at every opportunity, during hard times and when He was tired and hurting.  We need to follow His example and make disciples of Jesus by teaching the gospel in good times and bad times, whenever we have the opportunity to lift up Jesus by telling the story of the cross.


1. Jesus made disciples:

                a. At every opportunity, John 4:1-26, 39-42, Luke 5:1-11, 6:1-11.

                b. In difficult places, John 4:1-9, 7:1-31, 10:22-39, Mark 6:1-6.

                c. At difficult times, Mark 6:27-34, Luke 22:49-50, 23:42-43.


2. The apostles made disciples:

                a. Beginning at Jerusalem, Acts 2:14-43, 3:12-26.

                b. In times of trouble, Acts 4:1-21, 5:29-42.

                c. While being persecuted, Acts 6:9-7:60, 8:1-4.


3. We make disciples by:

                a. Identifying the true God, Genesis1:1, Acts 17:23-32.

                b. Lifting up Jesus, John 12:32, 3:14-15, 1 Cor 2:2.

                c. Showing fulfilled prophecy, Isaiah 53, Psalms 22, Daniel 9:25, Micah 5:2.

                d. Telling the story of Jesus, John 20:30-31, John 11:42-48, John 19:25-37.

                e. Showing the power of the resurrection, John 20:3-8, 24-29, 1 Cor 15:1-4.

                f. Teaching self denial, Luke 14:26-27, 9:23-26, 1 John 2:15-17.




1. Making disciples involves more than baptizing people, first we must cause them to believe in Jesus and be willing to

    leave everything to follow Him, Luke 5:1-11, Acts 2:22-37, 8:26-37, John 20:30-31


2. Making disciples is hard work, Matthew 9:37-38, 4:19, 2 Timothy 2:3-4.


3. Making disciples involves being fellow workers in God's field and leaving the increase to God,

    1 Corinthians 3:6-9.


4. Becoming a disciple of Jesus is a personal choice, and cannot be forced, Matthew 19:16-26, Luke 10:1-16, 14:16-24.





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