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lesson 14






                1.   Hebrews 11:6 - faith is one of the most important traits of the Christian walk

                2.  Luke 17:5 - we can grow in faith.

                3.  James 2:17, 26 - a living faith acts, it produces something, as we'll see in Heb. 11.

                4.  John 20:27-31 - faith comes from seeing Jesus in the gospel record.

                5.  Hebrews 10:36-39 - faith preserves the soul and shouldn't shrink back during trials.

                6.  Hebrews 12:1-3 - each of us can live by faith as we lay aside sin and encumbrances, and fix

                      our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of faith.


II. MAIN THEME In Hebrews 11, faith is like a diamond with many facets.  Each facet is pretty and important, but only completed is it beautiful and precious.  Most importantly, we see ordinary men and women of faith, who like diamonds, have had their faith formed over time, usually under great pressure.

                1.  Facets of faith's definition:

                                a.  assurance - :1, confidence or assurance, also Hebrews 3:14.

                                b.  conviction - :1, a proof, proving, test, also 2 Tim 3:16; John 8:46.

                                c.  understanding - :3, to understand, comprehend, also Romans 1:2

                                d.  comes - :6, to come or go near to (emphasis on "near to "), also Heb. 10:22, 12:18,22.

                                e.  seeing - :13, to see, also Matthew 5:8.

                                f.  welcoming - :13, literally signifies to draw to oneself, hence to greet, salute, welcome: Heb. 13:24.

                                g.  desire - :16, longing after, with stress upon the object desired, also 1 Timothy 3:1, 6:10.

                2.  Some signs or works of faith in Hebrews 11:

                                a.  offer a better sacrifice - :4.

                                b.  reverently prepared... - :7.

                                c.  obeyed by going out... - :8.

                                d.  when tested, offered... - 17.

                3.  Ordinary men and women can have a life changing faith:

                                a.  Abraham - frightened, deceitful, Genesis 2-:11-13.

                                b.  Moses - hot-headed murderer, Exodus 2:11-12.

                                c.  Rahab - harlot, Heb. 11:31.

                                d.  David - lusty, fornicating murderer - 2 Samuel 11:2f.

                4.  Some "rewards" of faith:

                                a.  God testified of Abel's gift - :4.

                                b . received the ability to bear children - :11.

                                c.  endured ill-treatment with the people of God - :25.

                                d.  conquered kingdoms... - :33.

                                e.  from weakness were made strong - :34.

                                f.  were stoned, sawn in two... - :37.

                                g.  will be made perfect (mature, complete), with us! - :39-40.



                1.  Fix your eyes on Jesus and let him finish your faith - Heb. 12:2.

                2.  Ask Jesus to increase your faith (be careful, it involves hard work) - Luke 17:5f.

                3.  With a humble spirit, obey the Lord, and your faith will increase - Luke 17:10.

                4.  Remember that faith involves having confidence that God will do what He has promised - Heb 11:1;

                      2 Peter 3:9-10.

                5.  Spend time in the Bible and in life with men and women of faith - Heb 12:1, because faith is

                      learned from people, not inherited from them - 2 Tim 2:2.

                6.  Don't shrink back; persevere!  The triumph of faith is your salvation - 10:39.


IV. MEMORY VERSES -  Hebrews 11:1, 6


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