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lesson 15






     1. Philippians 2:14 - To murmur or to argue is to live a life unworthy of the Gospel.

           a. To murmur is to mutter, grumble, say anything in a low tone.

           b. To argue is to strongly question or dispute.

     2. Philippians 2:15 - Not murmuring or arguing indicates spiritual maturity, a

                closeness to God leading to blamelessness.

     3. Philippians 2:15 - As you speak in godly ways your lives will shine as bright lights.

     4. Matthew 15:19-20 - The problem is in the heart.

     5. Numbers 16:1-3, 8-11, 28-30, 17:8-10 - Murmuring is so bad because it is ultimately

         complaining to others against God.

     6. Because murmuring and arguing are so wrong, they are also condemned by:

           a. Jesus - John 6:43.

           b. Paul - 1 Corinthians 10:5-11, 1 Timothy 2:8.

           c. Peter - 1 Peter 4:8-11.

           d. Jude - Jude 14-16.

     7. Psalm 22, especially :1-4,19-24 - It is all right to speak honestly with God.



II. MAIN THEME - Since grumbling and arguing happens when we don't get what we

want, like or feel we deserve; it can occur:

     1. When we lack physical needs - Exodus 15:22-26, 17:2-7.

     2. Over leadership jealousy - Numbers 16; Luke 9:46.

     3. When others are blessed - Matthew 20:11-15.

     4. When we do not understand teaching - John 6:41-43,61.

     5. When afraid to speak out loud - John 7:25-27, 31-32.

     6. Over neglect or partiality - Acts 6:1-5.

     7. Over differing opinions - Romans 14:1-13.




     1. Talk honestly with God, He will send someone to strengthen you - Luke 22:39-43.

     2. Remember the lessons of 1 Corinthians 10:1-14.

                  a. Punishment if you make murmuring a habit - :10-12.

           b. When tempted to complain, look for the escape our faithful God gives - :13.

           c. Endure or flee the situation - :13-14.

     3. Remember the lessons of Philippians 2:12-15.

           a. You've been saved by God, why complain or argue over "little" things - :12.

           b. Expect God working in you to give you godly speech - :13.

           c. Let thoughts of the glorious future soften the pain or frustration of the present

              situation - :15.

     4. Rejoice and pray with thanksgiving - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.

     5. Get with encouraging, positive-speaking people - Hebrews 3:12-13.



IV. MEMORY VERSE - Philippians 2:14

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