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lesson 7






     1. Matthew 6:24 - There are many lords, or masters, but only one worth serving.

     2. Matthew 6:24 - Only one lord can be served and loved at a time.

     3. Matthew 7:21 - The Lord deserves to be honored with lips and obedience.

     4. Matthew 20:25-28 - Jesus, the Lord, is like no other Lord, and Philippians 2:5-8. 

     5. Ephesians 4:5 - There is only one true Lord.

     6. Philippians 2:9-11 - All will recognize Jesus as Lord, either joyfully or reluctantly,

                and Matthew 25:31-46.



II. MAIN THEME - Jesus has been shown to be the one true Lord in many ways.

     1. Through the power of his words:

           a. In general - John 7:32,45-46, 18:1-6.

           b. To predict the future (prophecy) - John 13:18-20.

           c. To heal - John 5:1-9.

     2. Through his power over:

           a. Nature - Matthew 14:26-33.

           b. Demons & diseases - Matthew 8:14-17.

     3. By his conquering death:

           a. Others death - John 11:38-45, 12:9-11.

           b. His own - John 20:26-29; Acts 2:24-36.

     4. Through the testimony of others:

           a. Non-Jews - Luke 7:2-10.

           b. Friends - Luke 11:1.

           c. Enemies - Mark 15:39.

           d. God - Philippians 2:9-11; Acts 9:3-6.




     1. Honor Jesus with your lips - Romans 10:9.

     2. Honor Jesus with obedience - Romans 6:12-13.

     3. Present your bodies (lives) as living and holy sacrifices to God - Romans 12:1.

     4. Renew your mind by continually looking at the Lord - Romans 12:2;

                2 Corinthians 3:17-18.

     5. Preach and live Jesus as Lord, so the light of the Lord shines in word and deed -

         2 Corinthians 4:3-5.

     6. Live with the ambition of pleasing the Lord, reconciling people to God -

                2 Corinthians 5:8-9,14-19.

     7. Whatever you do, do as to the Lord - Ephesians 6:7-8.

     8. To summarize, because Jesus is the one true Lord, let him have first place in

                everything -  Colossians 1:18.



IV. MEMORY VERSE - Philippians 2:11

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